Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Dear Annie,

Ah cheat codes. I remember using my Game Genie to play Super Mario Bros. My sister and I would play it so much that at night, while trying to sleep, the theme music would echo in my head. It was so audible that I would get out of bed to see if Laurie was still playing the game in her room!

So apparently you and Hohn were horrified by my last blog. I almost regret writing it. Really the whole point of the blog was my observation of my grandmother... how naturally she could laugh at the thought of a crazed babysitter torturing her helpless four year old.  I wasn't trying to disgust you.

I suppose this is the consequence of growing up in a medical family. I have become immune to topics that repulse most people. Nothing is off limits around our dinner table. 


We are not crude people. There is no foul language or dirty jokes... just a candid exploration of what makes people tick (both physically and mentally). 

I’ll spare you from more tales... let’s just say I could never invite anyone from Grace over for Thanksgiving dinner. 

I’m so very tired right now. I have had trouble sleeping recently. A few nights ago I think I saw the glimmer of dawn before finally drifting off (yes I ended with a preposition). My leg is asleep!


1 comment:

A. Roberts said...

Max totally destroyed my Oblivion fest.

Maybe I should give him an enema...