Monday, December 15, 2008


Dear Annie,

Believe it or not, in college I had a pet rat. I don't know what I was thinking really. Perhaps I had read Flowers for Algernon one too many times. I remember driving down to Santa Rosa with a friend, walking into Petco and picking out the rat. The Petco employee informed me that my rat was a female. I named her Aphrodite.

Aphrodite was the cutest thing. So tiny. I could hold her in the palm of my hand. I used to sit in the lobby by the fireplace and study with Aphrodite exploring the sleeves of my sweater. We weren't allowed to have pets in the dorm, but I managed to hide her for awhile.

I must have had her a week or two when quite mysteriously, Aphrodite decided to grow testicles. I switched its name to Hermaphrodite just for fun.

Hermaphrodite often accompanied me about my day. I remember one time in an honors class it was my turn to recite a poem, and just before I began the first line, he took the opportunity to pee all over my leg. Everyone's eyes were on me. I was mortified. Nobody seemed to notice, but I barely made it through the poem! Toting around a pet rat... could there be a more ideal way of accessorizing my insanely short hair and baggy clothes? No wonder I didn't date much in college.

It wasn't long before Hermaphrodite started getting... bigger. I only had a small cage for him. He'd wallow around all day in, well, you know... and I soon became wary of holding him. I remember I'd bathe him in the sink, which he hated! I felt so bad about this.

I don't know if my roommate simply couldn’t take it anymore, or if the dean accidentally discovered him... either way, one day the hall monitor informed me that Hermaphrodite had to go. I didn’t know what to do with the little guy. I had no car to drive him anywhere safe (a rodent sanctuary perhaps?), nor did I know anyone who wanted a pet rat.

My dormitory was way up on the hill, nestled in the forest. I took Hermaphrodite in my arms and trudged out into the wilderness. I sat down in a field and released him into the great wide open. He sniffed the air, his little whiskers twitching. He took a step or two. I'd like to think there was a moment in which he turned around and gave me one last longing look. I waved goodbye and watched as he waddled away, across the dirt and under a nearby bush.

There were tears.

I'd like to say I cried because I was sad to say goodbye. In reality, the great amount of relief I felt at not carrying around such a burden anymore made me realize how pathetic I was. Here I had taken on the responsibility of a pet, and I had failed miserably.

Every so often I ponder the fate of poor Hermaphrodite. I remember going back the next day to look for him. He wasn't there. Did he starve to death or freeze in the cold? Was he snatched by a hawk? Snake food? Owl pellet? Perhaps he lived a long happy adventurous life in the woods, subsisting on wild berries and early morning dew.

Only God knows.



Hohn C said...

Between the bird on your head and the rat in your clothes, you're a veritable menagerie.

I love how Aphrodite turned into Hermaphrodite. Talk about a duckling to swan (in reverse)!

David Cho said...
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David Cho said...

Dear TaintedSky,

I love your writing style. Your friend Pam introduced me to your blog.

(Actually she directed me to Lisa's blog first, and I followed the link on Lisa's blog to yours, and it was Lisa who directed Pam to my blog in the first place. This is all kinda scrambled and messed up. I am still trying to sort through this.)

Note to self: Do not name a female or neutered pet Aphrodite. She/He/It might end up growing a pair.

Wow, two Cho's commenting on your blog. How often does that happen?

taintedsky said...

Ha ha. Hi David. I'm Lisa, actually. I'm glad you like my blog. I've read yours too. It's hilarious! I really liked the one where you posted the frantic emails from one of your floundering students.

David Cho said...

Ooops. As I said, I am still sorting this out.

Oh yeah, that blog is the best entry ever. And I only wrote a fraction of it.

dbircsak said...

How had you failed?!? Society failed you by not being tolerant

So how was dating now that Herm was gone?

taintedsky said...

Darrell - I failed in that I took on the responsibility of a pet and couldn't handle it. I should have obeyed the rules of the dorm and not bought Hermaphrodite to begin with.

Dating after I ditched the rat wasn't much better, because shortly thereafter I shaved my head. It turns out that no one wants to date a girl with a shaved head.

Go figure.

dbircsak said...

So.. did you try wearing wigs?

taintedsky said...
