Saturday, June 27, 2009


Dear Annie,

It's 11pm and I just had an opossum waddle through my apartment door. I know what you are thinking... why is my apartment door open at 11pm? It's hot, that's why! I know, I live in North Hollywood, which dictates it much more likely for a drug addict, transient or transvestite to wander on in... but no, I get an opossum.

Opossums may not be as terrifying as spiders; however, you can't exactly squish an opossum and flush him down the toilet now can you? (Let the record show that I actually rescue all arachnids and deposit them safely outside in the flowerbed).

Luckily, all I had to do was utter one syllable and he turned right around and ran out. I wonder if opossums would make good pets? They seem a rather docile creature. I think this is the same opossum I've seen out in the parking lot. He sits up on the brick wall and licks himself like a cat.

Well anyway, I hope this mildly entertained you.



A. Roberts said...

Like for serious? A real opossum??? I don't think I've ever seen one. I sort of thought they were...well you know...creatures out of fables or Minnesota...or something.

Gary Means said...

Nasty, nasty creatures. My wife was gardening in our front yard and one came out of our backyard, saw her and started hissing at her. She called to me and I came out. It was actually pretty funny. They were scared of each other. The possum wasn't bright enough (I think their little brains stopped evolving about the time the Mastodons died out) to do much except show his teeth and hiss.

Man, are they UGLY! Nasty, bristly fur, pointy pointy teeth, beady little eyes. To think that people all over the country used to eat them! There even used to be a recipe for them in early editions of Joy of Cooking. Gack!

Anyway, I brought out a broom to gently nudge it along. My wife and son saw the broom and both thought I was going to play whackamole. They both started yelling, "Don't hurt it" which scared the creepy little marsupial. He skittered under our house. I never did see him come out.

They're frequently seen, flattened, on the roads in the greater Seattle area. They didn't used to be common here when I was a kid. But now they as ubiquitous as raccoons in the cities and burbs.

taintedsky said...


You make the opossum sound more like a chupacabra! Perhaps we've solved the zoocryptological mystery!

But yes, they really do look like giant rats. I didn't know they were marsupials. Interesting.

Racoons are frightening, too. They smell funny and make the strangest sounds. Kid's books make them seem so cute and cuddly, but they so aren't.