Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Dear Annie,

Few things are more enjoyable to me than walking to the gas station on a late summer afternoon to buy a soda and a candy bar. 

There were no stores in my neighborhood growing up, not to mention, I had very little money. I remember one day, though, on which my sister, our friend Mandy and I made the three mile trek to the grocery store to buy some candy. I must have been about six, and I'm sure my parents would have died had they discovered.  But I remember how good it felt to choose something off the shelf... anything I wanted, and pay for it. 

That day comes to mind on the rare occasions I leave my office chair and head on over to the convenient store down the block. If I do go, it is usually in the warm glow of the late afternoon, there is a breeze and I hear the sound of the passing traffic. At these times, even the gum spots on the sidewalk seem to call my name...

I smile at the clerk as I make my entrance, and walk over to the soda section. I survey my options. 

Recently I discovered Dr. Pepper. I never drank it growing up (we were a Coke and Pepsi family, if anything). But then, on the Foundry retreat, I ordered a Coke at lunch and the waiter goofed. He brought me a Dr. Pepper. What a pleasant surprise it was!

So I grab a Dr. Pepper off the shelf, and head on over to the candy section. So many choices... so many candy bars I have yet to experience... I choose a classic: Reese’s Pieces, which  always remind me of the movie E.T., my first movie going experience.

Now I sit here crunching candy and slurping Dr. Pepper, and I lament that this blog must end, for it means that I shall have to continue editing. 




A. Roberts said...


taintedsky said...

i hardly ever drink soda! =)

taintedsky said...

and LIFE causes disease...